William Somerset Maugham (Paris, 25 janvier 1874 - Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat, 16 décembre 1965) est un romancier, nouvelliste et dramaturge britannique. Pendant la Première Guerre mondiale, il est membre du British Secret Service en Europe.
1897: Liza of Lambeth ("Liza din Lambeth");
1915: Of Human Bondage (tradusă ca "Robii" sau Robie);
1919: The Moon and Sixpence ("Luna și doi bani jumate");
1930: Cakes and Ale or the Skeleton in the Cupboard ("Prăjituri și bere sau scheletul din dulap")
1925: The Painted Veil ("Vălul pictat");
1930: "Plăcerile vieții";
1941: "Vila de pe colina";
1925: The Portrait of a Gentleman ("Portretul unui gentleman si alte povestiri"); ( colecție de povestiri)
1944: The Razor's Edge ("Pe muchie de cuțit");
1939: Christmas Holiday ("Vacanța de Crăciun").
1921: Sadie Thompson;
1921: The Trembling of a Leaf ("A tremurat o frunză");
1931: First Person Singular ("Persoana întâi singular");
1952: Complete Short Stories ("Povestiri complete").
Ecranizări (selectie din cele aprox.50 de ecranizari)
Rain (1932)
Prima ecranizare, sub titlul Sadie Thompson, interpretare Gloria Swanson. A doua, intitulata The Rain, in 1932, cu Joan Crawford. A treia (Miss Sadie Thomson), cu Rita Hayworth, in 1953.
Of Human Bondage (1934)
The Painted Veil (1934)
Secret Agent (1936)
The Tenth Man (1936)
The Letter (1940)
The Moon and Sixpence (1942)
The Razor's Edge (1946)
Of Human Bondage (1946)
The Unfaithful (1947)
Quartet (1948)
The Letter (1956)
Up at the Villa (2000)
Being Julia (2004)
The Painted Veil (2006)

E.M.Forster (Edward Morgan Forster) n.1879 –d.1970. Romancier britanic cunoscut pentru romanele A Room with a View, Camera cu vedere (1908), Howards End, Casa din Howard's End (1910) si A Passage to India. O calatorie in India (1924).
1905: Unde îngerii se feresc să calce ("Where Angels Fear to Tread")
1907: Călătoria cea mai lungă ("The Longest Journey")
1908: O cameră cu vedere ("A Room with a View")
1910: Casa din Howard's End ("Howard's End")
1924: O călătorie în India ("A Passage to India")
1927: Aspecte ale romanului ("Aspects of the Novel")
1945: Dezvoltarea prozei engleze între 1918-39 ("Development of the English Prose Between 1918-39").
„Mașina se oprește” (The Machine Stops) (1909) - povestire
Clipa cea veșnică - The Eternal Moment (1928), culegere de povestiri
A Passage to India (1984), dir. David Lean
A Room with a View (1985), dir. James Ivory
Maurice (1987), dir. James Ivory
Where Angels Fear to Tread (1991), dir. Charles Sturridge
Howards End (1992), dir. James Ivory
Graham Greene n. 1904-d.1991. Romancier britanic cunoscut pentru volumele: Ministerul groazei (1943) Americanul linistit (1955), Omul nostru din Havana (1958). A lucrat pentru serviciul de informatii britanic MI6.
Opera (selectie)
Journey Without Maps (1936)
The Confidential Agent (1939)
The Power and the Glory (1940)
The Ministry of Fear (1943)
The Heart of the Matter (1948)
The Third Man (1949) (novella written as a preliminary to Greene's screenplay for the film The Third Man)
The End of the Affair (1951)
The Quiet American (1955)
Our Man in Havana (1958)
A Burnt-Out Case (1960)
In Search of a Character (1961) Two African journals
The Comedians (1966)
Travels with My Aunt (1969)
The Honorary Consul (1973)
The Human Factor (1978)
The Tenth Man (1985)
The Last Word (1990) (short stories)
10 ecranizari
This Gun for Hire (1942) Director Frank Tuttle
Ministry of Fear (1943) Director Fritz Lang
Brighton Rock (1948) Director John Boulting
The Fallen Idol (1948) Director Carol Reed
The Third Man (1949) Director Carol Reed
The Quiet American (1958) Director Joseph L. Mankiewicz
The Comedians (1967) Director Peter Glenville
The Human Factor (1979) Director Otto Preminger
Doctor Fischer of Geneva (1984) Director Michael Linsday-Hogg
Ministry of Fear (1943) Director Fritz Lang
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