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mercredi 5 février 2020

" Messieurs, l'Angleterre est une île, j’ai tout dit”.

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Magiru Ion

Sam 25/06/2016 20:30

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Miniature de pièce jointe
In deschiderea cursului despre istoria Angliei, tinut la Collège de France, istoricul Jules Michelet a spus o fraza ramasa celebra: " Messieurs, l'Angleterre est une île, j’ai tout dit”.

For generations of historians, the single most important fact about Britain has been that it is an island. “Messieurs,” the 19th-century French writer Jules Michelet began his lectures on our history, “L’Angleterre est une île.” The Edwardian children’s historian HE Marshall entitled her bestseller Our Island Story; a generation later, Arthur Bryant gave the first volume of his British history the Shakespearian title Set in a Silver Sea.

Even today, despite the existence of a road and rail link with the European mainland, the idea of Britain as a nation of seafaring islanders remains at the heart of the english tradition.

Desigur, traditia rau interpretata te poate duce la dezastru. Votul majoritar din 23 iunie 2016 echivaleaza, cum plastic s-a exprimat un comentator, cu o auto-mutilare voluntara!

Dar asta nu-mi scoate insula lui Shakespeare si a Elisabetei, a lui E.M Foster si a lui Orwell din inima.


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